Thursday, December 16, 2010

Demonstration Evaluation

While in the process of choosing my video for this week’s blog I chose this particular video because it sounded like it would be interesting to view.  And quite frankly I thought it would be fun to learn how to make Tiramisu, which happens to be one of my favorite desserts, so why not?  It was a lot like the speeches students in our class did for our demonstration speeches but this specific video seemed to be more advanced and very well prepared.  In this video, How to make Tiramisu, the woman had an attention grabbing voice, enthusiasm, and you could tell she knew what she was talking about, which are definitely good qualities to have when presenting a demonstration speech.  She showed good organization when she began by letting the audience know the materials needed for making tiramisu, and the finicky things that each material required.  She also had all ingredients on the table and ready to be used, which was a key visual aid to have.  She explained each step that one should do when making a tiramisu dish and did it in a very organized and professional manor.  She did a very good job conveying these steps for such a difficult dessert to prepare like tiramisu.  As she begins the process of making the tiramisu, she carries on with her steps verbally and shows the audience what she is doing at the same time.  By doing this she was able to successfully verbalize the steps and at the same time show the viewers how to perform each step properly.  As the process is coming to an end she puts on the final toping and shows the viewers the end dessert.  She closes with just the finished product and didn’t really add anything extra into the conclusion of the demonstration, which I think could be her one flaw to the presentation.  But other than that one drawback, this demonstration speech was performed with good tone, very relatable to the audience and easy steps were carried out for such a complex dish.  

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