Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Obstacles in writing/reading TILOHL

Just by reading the synopsis of TILOHL, I think it is very important for a story like Henrietta Lacks' to be acknowledged and heard by the public.   The story itself reveals hidden key components for the incredible discoveries in medicine that have taken place over numerous decades and decades to come.  A story of this magnitude, one that was able to transform modern medicine, should most definitely be recognized in the eye of the public.  Rebecca Skloot brings up questionable research tactics used by doctors in our country.  I think it is important for the public to be aware of these tactics and know that they may be giving more than just money in exchange for doctor’s services.   The fact that consent by the patient is not required in order to take specimens of their biological material is certainly something that should not go unnoticed.   This story brings up many debatable issues that should be brought to the public's attention.  I think Rebecca Skloot faced many challenges while writing this book.  Skloot probably struggled with finding the necessary information over the many decades of research that took place.  As for more of a moral struggle, I think that Skloot had to overcome the fact that Henrietta’s family, rather poor, had not scene any of the profits of Henrietta’s “immortality”.   Skloot, knowing this, and knowing that Henrietta’s family had no knowledge about her “immortality” until nearly twenty years later must have been hard.   As I read this book I anticipate on struggling with the role the doctor’s played, how they took Henrietta’s biological material without asking.  This is something I don’t totally agree with.  I don’t think its right for a doctor, someone who is implied to be trusted, to be so sneaky and secretive.  The struggles that Henrietta Lacks’ family had to face when they got news of the "jack pot" discovery, being rather poor, is an experience that most struggling Americans could not imagine.  Also another matter that will be tough to read about will be the struggles of Henrietta’s family and the emotions that are unraveled as they go through such an emotional journey. 

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