Saturday, October 30, 2010

Demonstration Speech Evaluation

My demonstration speech was How to Make a 7 Layer Dip.  This speech was presented on Wednesday, October 2.  I watched my presentation, it was weird seeing myself in video form but overall I think I did a good job.  Although, after watching my speech I noticed that there were some areas that could be improved.  I think I could have used more talking with my body by using my arms to embrace the audience and make them feel more involved.  Also I think I could have been a little more repetitive with the steps by saying them more and really getting the major points across.  I did a good job explaining the process but repeating it more would have made a difference.  Another area where I could have done something different to improve the presentation would have been to show multiple pictures of the finished product, possibly on PowerPoint so the audience could have better seen more of what a true 7 layer dip looks like.  But I thought the visual aids that I brought, all ingredients and materials needed, really helped further explain and visually show exactly what the process entails.  I did a good job with my overall body language.  I think I showed interest in my presentation and by doing so I was able to grasp the audiences’ attention in a good way.  Also the tone of my voice was loud enough to grab the attention of the audience but not too loud where it becomes annoying.  I don’t mind talking in front of people but its not my favorite thing and by doing it more I will get more comfortable and get better at public speaking.  

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