Sunday, October 31, 2010

Technorati Search

            The blog Super Weeds: Another Reason Why Organic Farming is the Solution ( by Nicole Wong, states many points about the effects of the use of pesticides and weed killer in conventional farming.  This blog about the effects of the use of weed killers in conventional farming was published on June 21, 2010.  This blog has similar statements to my informative paper about organic foods.  Nicole Wong has been creating blog posts just about every other day or so since May 5th 2010, the date of her first blog.  Nicole’s blogs usually have a small picture at the beginning of the blog that relates to the topic of that specific blog.  She normally does not incorporate many outside information from the media and rarely includes hyperlinks in her blogs.  Personally, I think this is because Nicole is simply passionate about writing and current events and never had a job where she could express her opinions and beliefs through her writing.  The ORGANIC FARMING (Ecosensorium) ( blog post, written by William Van Cotthem, specifically relates to my informative research paper on organic farming.  This blog was recently written on October 25, 2010.  Van Cotthem’s blog and my paper have a similar characteristic, they both describe the organic farming method and convey the initial views on the reasons this method came about.  But the main difference between the two is that Van Cotthem tends to focus more on the benefits of organic farming with respect to cost. Whereas my paper focuses on the organic farming benefits with respect to preserving the environment and protecting the health of the people consuming the products being grown.   

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